Official WildStar Online Community

Wilderrun is a level 35 - 40 zone located in the region of Olyssia. To access it players will need to take a ship from their home cities. This area is where Dorian Walker and Artemis Zin were racing on finding the Everpool. It also houses Torine Sisterhood, Tresayne Toria, and a the Marshal Yatish Fan-Club, an organivation dedicated to the eponmyous Lopp hero.

The area is famous for having a wealth of heavy chunks of the game's world story and lore throughout the zone; aside from the revelation that Tresayne Toria is alive and well, it also has what little information we have on the Cassian Commonwealth, the pre-Dominion government, the creation of the Luminai, and the player's first encounter with the Strain.

Zone guide[]

Wilderrun Subzones
Blademother's Refuge ยท Crimelords of Whitevale (Instance) ยท Crushstone Cavern ยท Deathbringer Hollow ยท Deepfall Spires ยท Devastation Ridge ยท Discovery Heights ยท Everpool Sanctum ยท Fallen Stone Ruins ยท Fool's Hope ยท Fort Vigilance ยท Giant's Wall ยท Kel Ugar ยท Luminai Hybridization Complex ยท Maiden Pool ยท Marshal's Haven ยท Mistgloom Pass ยท Research Camp Echo ยท Rotwood Collective ยท Sanctuary of the Swordmaiden (Instance) ยท Sanctuary Hill ยท Silent Clearing ยท Sister's Watch ยท Spirevale Landing ยท Strange Glade ยท The Battlemound ยท The Gamma Ruins ยท The Undergrove ยท Torine Hunting Grounds ยท Twilight Grove ยท Vitara's Refuge ยท West Glen
Olyssia Zones
Auroria ยท Crimson Isle ยท Deradune ยท Ellevar ยท Illium ยท Levian Bay ยท Wilderrun