Official WildStar Online Community
Official WildStar Online Community
Human Spellslinger Art
Role: Ranged DPS, Healer
Equipment: Dual Mag Pistols
Armor: Light Armor
Resource: Spell Surges and Focus
Primary Attributes: Finesse (DPS), Insight (Healing)
Secondary Attributes Moxie, Brutality (DPS) (Healing)
Dominion Races: Cassian, Chua, Draken.
Exiles Races: Human, Aurin, Mordesh

Spellslingers are deadly and dangerous pistoleers, often found beyond the Fringe working as bounty hunters, bodyguards, and guns-for-hire.

Spellslingers fight with a unique style that's a lethal combination of magic, reflexes and instinct - making them some of the most feared combatants in the galaxy. By wielding specially designed mag pistols, Spellslingers manipulate arcane energy to create powerful magic sigils – greatly increasing their accuracy and infusing their projectiles with destructive power.

Along with their deadly weapons, Spellslingers also use acrobatic agility to quickly move around the battlefield - positioning themselves to inflict the most damage upon their enemies. These deadly abilities, coupled with steely-eyed resolve, make the Spellslinger a truly frightening foe in battle.


Mag pistols

For centuries, the number of bullets Spellslingers could shoot per second was an infuriating bottleneck. Then, belatedly recalling that they were ambidextrous, they added a second pistol to their arsenal. The rest is exit wound history.


If there's another thing they hate, it's losing. For generations, Spellslingers fought duels by standing stationary at opposite ends of deserted streets, only to find themselves defeated by the agile. Humiliated by their own immobility, they delved into the arcane arts of somersaulting. Needless to say, their win percentages improved by leaps and bounds.

Magic sigils

If there's one thing Spellslingers hate, it's a fair fight. That's why they supplement their deadeye marksmanship by juicing up their weapons and ammo with sorcerous sigils. Who says gunfighting and the occult don't mix? The Spellslingers' victims, and they aren't talking.


Icon Name Level
IconQuickDraw Quick Draw 1
IconChargedShot Charged Shot 2
IconIgnite Ignite 4
IconWildBarrage Wild Barrage 6
IconChill Chill 9
IconRapidFire Rapid Fire 11
IconFlameBurst Flame Burst 15
IconAssassinate Assassinate * 18
IconTrueShot True Shot 21
IconArcaneMissiles Arcane Missiles 31
Icon Name Level
IconRunicHealing Runic Healing 6
IconRunesofProtection Runes of Protection 6
IconVitalityBurst Vitality Burst 9
IconAstralInfusion Astral Infusion 11
IconHealingSalve Healing Salve 13
IconDualFire Dual Fire 15
IconHealingTorrent Healing Torrent* 18
IconVoidspring Voidspring 21
IconRegenerativePulse Regenerative Pulse 24
IconSustain Sustain 27
Icon Name Level
IconGate Gate 3
IconFlashFreeze Flash Freeze 9
IconVoidSlip Void Slip 13
IconArcaneShock Arcane Shock 15
IconPurify Purify 18
IconGatherFocus Gather Focus 18
IconVoidPact Void Pact* 20
IconSpatialShift Spatial Shift 24
IconPhaseShift Phase Shift 27
IconAffinity Affinity 31
Items marked with * are unlocked through AMPs.


Assault Hybrid A/S Support Hybrid S/U Utility Hybrid A/U
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3


AMP Source Zone Subzone Coordinates
[Evasive Manuevers]
IconExilesSimple Merchant Voxic
IconDominionSimple Provisions Officer Windfree
-2432, -1884
5758, -2582
[Augmented Armor]
[Frost Snap]
[Hyper Shield]
IconExilesSimple Mojo Moodies (quest)
IconDominionSimple Greenbough Guardian (quest)
Spearclaw Post
Gienview's Bulkwark

1028, -3059
[Deadly Chain] IconExilesSimple Mika
IconDominionSimple Merchant Clara Clearfield
Bloodfire Village
-5621, -709
4089, -3938
[Final Salvo] IconExilesSimple Mika
IconExilesSimple Lady Saphis
IconDominionSimple Merchant Clara Clearfield
IconDominionSimple Melri Gladewalker
Bloodfire Village
Lightreach Mission
Sylvan Glade
-5621, -709
-2555, -3500
4089, -3938
2706, -2406
[Savior] IconExilesSimple Lady Saphis
IconDominionSimple Melri Gladewalker
Lightreach Mission
Sylvan Glade
-2555, -3500
2706, -2406
[Enhanced Shields]
[Focus Stone]
[Surge Damage]
IconExilesSimple Dakahari
IconDominionSimple Reya Resinbough
Farside Virtue's Landing
Walker's Landing
5354, -4556
5899, -4951
[Danger Danger]
[Flame Armor]
[Frost Armor]
[Penetrating Rounds]
[Spell Armor]
[True Sight]
IconExilesSimple Supply Officer Phenoxia
IconDominionSimple Supply Officer Clayre
Legion's Way
FCON Headquarters
-2856, -496
4215, -2257
[Critical Surge]
IconExilesSimple Supply Officer Phenoxia
IconDominionSimple Supply Officer Clayre
Legion's Way
FCON Headquarters
-2856, -496
4215, -2257
[Critical Surge]
[Healing Aura]
[Holy Roller]
[Homeward Bound]
[The One]
[Withering Magic]
IconExilesSimple Provisioner Jazira
IconDominionSimple Merchant Snowglimmer
Wilderrun Fort Vigilance
Fool's Hope
1271, -2009
2066, -1729




Patch changes[]

  • IconPatch Strain Ultradrop:Adjusted gun grip location for Aurin female Spellslingers.; Players will no longer be stuck in combat after dying within a dungeon or raid.

WildStar Online Classes
Engineer · Esper · Medic · Spellslinger · Stalker · Warrior