Official WildStar Online Community
IconExiles  Sanctuary Enshrined
Type Quest
Arwick Redleaf
Level 7
Location Celestion
Experience 213xp
Rewards 2s 73c
Reputation +376 Protectors of Celestion
Episode Draken on the Hunt
Next The Watcher's Way

Arwick Redleaf would like you to speak with Tender Kaiya in Woodhaven and protect her from Draken hunters as she performs a binding with the hoogle spirit protectors surrounding the town.

Talk to Tender Kaiya in Woodhaven for assistance in binding with Hoogle protectors

Help Tender Kaiya bind with the Eastern Spirit Protector outside of Woodhaven for protection Help Tender Kaiya bind with the Southern Spirit Protector outside of Woodhaven for protection Help Tender Kaiya bind with the Western Spirit Protector outside of Woodhaven for protection