Official WildStar Online Community
IconExiles  Queen of the Blight
Type Quest
Victor Lazarin
Victor Lazarin
Level 4
Location Everstar Grove
Experience 152xp
Rewards 1s 6c
choose one
Grower's Trousers
Forest Walkers
Rootguard Kickers
Planter's Pants
Episode Elderoot's Affliction
Previous A Plagued Forest
Next Elderoot's Affliction

Victor Lazarin has determined that the barkblight parasites are controlled by some higher power, perhamps a queen. He's tasked you with venturing deep into the Blighted Tunnel and killing the Barkblight Queen that lairs there.

Kill Barkblight Queen in the Barkblight Tunnel Collect the Barkblight Queen's Viscera for Victor Lazarin in the Blighted Tunnel