Official WildStar Online Community
Official WildStar Online Community
Medic resonators
Role: Ranged DPS, Healer
Equipment: Resonators
Armor: Medium Armor
Resource: Actuators
Primary Attributes: Assault Power (DPS) Support Power (Healing)
Secondary Attributes Multi-Hit Rating, Multi-Hit Severity (DPS) & (Healing)
Dominion Races: Cassian, Mechari, Chua
Exiles Races: Human, Granok, Mordesh

The Medic is a highly mobile playable class in WildStar, with good DPS and flexible Healing abilities. Medics are highly mobile as all of their abilities can be cast on the move. These deadly doctors will spend most of their time kiting, dodging, and weaving on the battlefield, their medium armour absorbing any blows they might take.

They are unique from the other classes in that many of their builds rely on the use of Probes, HoTs that heal or buff, and Fields, areas on the ground that can cause damage, slow down enemies, or heal allies.



Does shocking others "resonate" with you? If so, your aspiring inner intern will be Delighted On Arrival with the Awe-n-Shock Resonators Mark IX. Heal your friends and boil your enemies with last year's prize-winner for Most Excruciating Surgical Appliance! Smells like this wild-cardio just got wilder!


Did someone say sci-fi sawbones? Wielding a virtual pharmacopoeia of benign and malignant auras, you'll be savoring your allies' squeals of relief and enemies' howls of agony through the undebunkable magic of medical science!


Nothing puts a smile on a medic's face like a bunch of shiny new probes! Sophisticated advances in biotechnology allow healing probes to work so fast, there's only time for emotional scars! And for Medics with an eye for offense, the Ultra-Probinatrix 9000-Z is guaranteed to cause death faster than you can say ah. With devices like these, killing patients is a virtue!

Ability Resource[]

The Medic's ability resource is Actuator charges. Actuators start at four charges, and are consumed by powerful attacks and heals. Some basic abilities and many Tier 4 and 8 abilities can generate additional Actuators during combat. When you leave combat, your Actuators will quickly restore to a full four charges.

Innate Ability: Energize[]

The Medic's innate ability is Energize, which restores Actuator charges and provides a buff to either Assault and Support Power or Shield Mitigation, depending on the status of the Medic at the time it is activated.


Icon Name Level
IconDischarge Discharge 1
IconGammaRays Gamma Rays 2
IconNullifier Nullifier 4
IconFissure Fissure 6
IconDevastatorProbes Devastator Probes 11
IconQuantumCascade Quantum Cascade 13
IconCollider Collider 15
IconAnnihilation Annihilation* 20
IconAtomize Atomize 21
Dematerialize Dematerialize 27
Icon Name Level
IconEmission Emission 6
IconCrisisWave Crisis Wave 9
IconDualShock Dual Shock 9
IconMendingProbes Mending Probes 11
Triage Triage 13
IconFlash Flash 15
IconBarrier Barrier 18
IconRejuvenator Rejuvenator* 20
IconShieldSurge Shield Surge 24
IconExtricate Extricate 31
Icon Name Level
IconParalyticSurge Paralytic Surge 3
IconUrgency Urgency 6
IconRestrictor Restrictor 9
IconAntidote Antidote 15
IconRecharge Recharge 18
IconProtectionProbes Protection Probes* 20
IconEmpoweringProbes Empowering Probes 21
IconMagneticLockdown Magnetic Lockdown 24
IconCalm Calm 27
IconFieldProbes Field Probes 31
Items marked with * are unlocked through AMPs.


Assault Hybrid A/S Support Hybrid S/U Utility Hybrid A/U
Tier 1

[Armor Pierce]
[Assault Power]

[Critical Hit]
[Critical Hit Severity]

[Focus Recovery]
[Support Power]
[Focus Cost]

[PvP Defense]
[Maximum Shield Capacity]

[Dash Regen]
[CC Resilience]

[PvP Offense]

Tier 2

[Empowering Aura]
[Core Damage]
[In Flux]
[Victory Spark]

[Scalpel! Forceps!]
[Power Converter]
[Null Zone]

[Armor Coating]
[Protective Surge]

[Shield Protocol]
[Defense Mechanism]
[Emergency Extraction]

[Shield Reboot]
[Solid State]
[Quick Dodge]
[Concerted Effort]

[Weakness into Strength]
[Antigen Isolation]
[Stay With Me]

Tier 3

[Danger Zone]

[Power Cadence]
[Renewable Probes]

[Running on Empty]

[Acerbic Injection]
[Debilitative Armor]

[Health Probes]
[Protection Probes]
[Amorphous Barrier]

[Chemical Burn]
[Energy Pulse]




External links[]

WildStar Online Classes
Engineer · Esper · Medic · Spellslinger · Stalker · Warrior