Official WildStar Online Community
IconDominion  Embarkation
Type Quest
Axis Pheydra
Axis Pheydra
Level 1
MinLevel 1
Location Departures TerminalDestiny
Experience 145
Rewards 1s
Captain's Lucky Pistols
Episode The Conquest of Nexus
Previous The Emperor
Next Called to Stormcaller Landing
Jagged Cove
Savage Coast Savagery
or Mondo's Beachhead
The next quest will change depending on your race and choice of departure ship but will be one of these four. Called to Stormcaller Landing, Jagged Cove, Savage Coast Savagery, Mondo's Beachhead. For more information see Episode: The Conquest of Nexus.

Axis Pheydra has ordered you to meet her in the Departures Terminal prior to leaving for Nexus.


  • Speak to Axis Pheydra in the Departures Terminal


You will receive:

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