Official WildStar Online Community
  Dicey Deliveries
Home Delivery Clerk (Protostar)
Level 12
MinLevel 12
Experience 242
Rewards 1s 21c - 10 ColdCash
Episode Protostar's Winterfest

(Description) Greetings, potential Protostar contractor! These plentiful packages can be all yours... to deliver to other customers! Protostar requests new personnel to pilot a Protostar-patented Package Pelter for deliveries! They are unlabeled, but all creatures no doubt order the same things by race!


Deliver the right packages to the package recipients.


The Home Delivery Clerk in Shindig Hollow needs you to don a Delivery Worker's uniform to deliver unlabeled packages to their recipients in the Arborian Gardens.. Just toss a generic package type to each recipient - you should be able to figure it out by race.


Your non-specific package delivery was a success! Should Protostar ever need your speedy delivery services, you shall be contacted promptly!


1s 21c - 10 ColdCash


Player's action set will be replaced with one containing four types of packages. One representing each race.

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