In WildStar configuration options can be accessed through 'console variables' or 'CVars', sometimes referred to as 'config variables'. These variables affect many aspects of the game, including the graphics engine, sound system, and user interface. CVars in WildStar are object oriented or 'scoped', similar to setting a values in a Lua or JS table. Historically, the term CVar was meant to differentiate the console variables from the commands. Console variable names are not case sensitive.
- Accessing configuration variables
- .ini files - like user.ini in the user 'WildStar' folder, used for game settings: 'draw.shadows=false'.
- /eval command - chat slash command to run Lua that will set a config value: '/eval Apollo.SetConsoleVariable("draw.shadows", false)'.
- UI Esc menu - WildStar's in-game configuration interface. Hit Esc to get to it.
- In AddOns - using Lua functions from an AddOn directly, similar to using '/eval'.
- Syntax for setting variables
variableName=string variableName=0 variableName=0.0 variableName=true
- Warning: changing CVars directly can cause issues. In some cases you may have to quit the game, and manually remove from the .ini file. These changes are generally the same as using the 'Esc menu' UI, and will be saved.
This is a categorized list of config variables, along with a short explanation for each CVar. The list is not necessarily complete; for a complete list, see Config variables/Complete list or Category:CVars/Removed.
- Note: currently if 'Default is xxx' ends with a period '.', then is real default as if value not set. Otherwise is just value when documented or an example. If default is confirmed, please replace the value and add the period at the end.
These are general variables that are relevant during start-up. Variables will not be saved to .ini files until the game is being closed completely.
These are OS login relative settings.
- camera.distanceMax [number] (8-32) - Video "Max Camera Distance". Default is 32.
- camera.reorient [boolean] - Video "Auto-Center Camera". Default is true.
- camera.shake [boolean] - Video "Camera Shake". Default is true.
- draw.shadows [boolean] - enable world shadows. Video "Camera Shake". Default is true.
- draw.subtitles [boolean] - Default is false.
- fxaa.preset [number] - Default is 3.
- fxaa.enable [boolean] - Default is true.
- locale.languageId [number] - Default is 1.
- lod.clutterDensity [number] - Default is 1.
- lod.clutterDistance [number] - Default is 32.
- lod.defaults [number] - Default is 1.
- lod.farFogDistance [number] - Default is 1536.
- lod.landLod [number] - Default is 1.
- lod.renderTargetScale [number] - world render resolution. smaller is more performant. Default is 1.
- lod.shadowMapSize [number] - Default is 1024.
- lod.textureFilter [number] - Default is 1.
- lod.textureLodBias [number] - Default is 2.
- lod.textureLodMin [number] - Default is 1.
- lod.viewDistance [number] - Default is 640.
- login.realmDataCenterId [number] - set of realm servers used for connecting client. Default is 9.
- login.account [string] - user account name. Default is . Example is:
- login.saveAccount [boolean] - save last user account name. Default is false.
- video.exclusive [boolean] - full screen non-windowed mode. Default is false
- video.exclusiveDisplayMode [string] - screen resolution for exclusive mode. Example is: 1280,720,60.
- video.fullscreen [boolean] - full screen borderless game window for windowed mode. Default is false
- video.verticalSync [boolean] - sync game frame rate with display. Default is false
- video.windowMaximized [boolean] - restore 'state' of game window for windowed mode. Default is false
- video.windowPos [string] - restore position of game window for windowed mode. Example is: 6,2.
- video.windowSize [string] - restore size of game window for windowed mode. Example is: 1035,762.
- player.abilityQueueMax [number] - Default is 296
- player.disableFacingLock [boolean] - Default is true
- player.doubleTapToDash [number] - Default is true
- player.ignoreAlwaysFaceTarget [boolean] - Default is false
- player.moveToTargetOnSelfAOE [boolean] - Default is true
- player.showDoubleTapToDash [boolean] - Default is false
- ppp.gamma [number] - Default is 1.
- spell.allyBeneficialTelegraphOpacity [number] - Default is 78
- spell.allyBeneficialTelegraphOutline [number] - Default is 79
- spell.allyNPCBeneficialTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is false
- spell.allyNPCDetrimentalTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is true
- spell.allyNPCTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is false
- spell.allyPlayerBeneficialTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is false
- spell.allyPlayerDetrimentalTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is true
- spell.allyPlayerTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is false
- spell.allyTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is false
- spell.autoSelectCharacter [boolean] - Default is false
- spell.disableAutoTargeting [boolean] - Default is true
- spell.enemyBeneficalAllyDetrimentalTelegraphOpacity [number] - Default is 73
- spell.enemyBeneficalAllyDetrimentalTelegraphOutline [number] - Default is 79
- spell.enemyDetrimentalTelegraphOpacity [number] - Default is 77
- spell.enemyDetrimentalTelegraphOutline [number] - Default is 79
- spell.enemyNPCBeneficialTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is true
- spell.enemyNPCDetrimentalTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is false
- spell.enemyNPCTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is false
- spell.enemyPlayerBeneficialTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is true
- spell.enemyPlayerDetrimentalTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is false
- spell.enemyPlayerTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is false
- spell.enemyTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is false
- spell.holdToContinueCasting [boolean] - Default is true
- spell.partyMemberAllyTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is false
- spell.selfTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is false
- spell.selfTelegraphOpacity [number] - Default is 82
- spell.selfTelegraphOutline [number] - Default is 79
- spell.useButtonDownForAbilities [boolean] - Default is true
- tutorial.visibilityFlags [bitflag] - Default is 4294967294
- ui.zoneMap.ghostedIconsAlpha [number] - Default is 0.7
- world.propScreenHeightPercentMin [number] - Default is 12
These are OS login and NCSOFT account relative settings.
- chat.filter [boolean] - Default is true
- draw.subtitles [boolean] - Default is false
- login.realm [string] - Default is Dorian
- sound.intenseBattleMusic [boolean] - Default is false
- spell.allyBeneficialTelegraphOpacity [number] - Default is 60
- spell.allyBeneficialTelegraphOutline [number] - Default is 58
- spell.allyNPCBeneficialTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is false
- spell.allyNPCDetrimentalTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is true
- spell.allyNPCTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is false
- spell.allyPlayerBeneficialTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is false
- spell.allyPlayerDetrimentalTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is true
- spell.allyPlayerTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is false
- spell.allyTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is false
- spell.enemyBeneficalAllyDetrimentalTelegraphOpacity [number] - Default is 66
- spell.enemyBeneficalAllyDetrimentalTelegraphOutline [number] - Default is 58
- spell.enemyDetrimentalTelegraphOpacity [number] - Default is 63
- spell.enemyDetrimentalTelegraphOutline [number] - Default is 58
- spell.enemyNPCBeneficialTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is true
- spell.enemyNPCDetrimentalTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is false
- spell.enemyNPCTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is false
- spell.enemyPlayerBeneficialTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is true
- spell.enemyPlayerDetrimentalTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is false
- spell.enemyPlayerTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is false
- spell.enemyTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is false
- spell.partyMemberAllyTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is false
- spell.selfTelegraphDisplay [boolean] - Default is false
- spell.selfTelegraphOpacity [number] - Default is 65
- spell.selfTelegraphOutline [number] - Default is 58
- world.telegraphColorblindDisplay [number] - Default is 1
These are OS login, NCSOFT account, and realm relative settings.
- login.character [string] - Default is Charname
These are OS login, NCSOFT account, realm, and character relative settings.
- hud.secondaryLeftBarDisplay [number] - Default is 1
- hud.secondaryRightBarDisplay [number] - Default is 1
- hud.skillsBarDisplay [number] - Default is 1
- hud.xpBarDisplay [number] - Default is 1
- matching.roles [number] - Default is 6
These are OS login relative tool settings. They do not follow conventions of actual game CVars, are specific to the game tools only, and are not accessible form the game proper.
- [Houston]
Under .ini section header 'Houston', used by the Houston tool.
- BreakLineBGColor [rgb] - Default is 12632288
- BreakPtBGColor [rgb] - Default is 13619151
- CommentBold [number] - Default is 0
- CommentColor [number] - Default is 32768
- CommentItalic [number] - Default is 1
- EnableSyntaxColoring [number] - Default is 1
- KeywordBold [number] - Default is 1
- KeywordColor [rgb] - Default is 16711680
- KeywordItalic [number] - Default is 0
- NormalBGColor [rgb] - Default is 16777215
- NormalBold [number] - Default is 0
- NormalColor [number] - Default is 0
- NormalItalic [number] - Default is 0
- StringBold [number] - Default is 0
- StringColor [rgb] - Default is 16711807
- StringItalic [number] - Default is 0
- TypeBold [number] - Default is 1
- TypeColor [number] - Default is 128
- TypeItalic [number] - Default is 0