Hey there, cupcakes! Having fun blasting the smithereens out of stuff on your travels through the Nexus? Maybe you're tired every now and then from exploring all those nooks and crannies you really shouldn't be getting into? At some point in that furry head of yours you've considered making a little shack for yourself where you can kick up your feet, have a frothy beverage, and shoot things all from the relaxation of your sofa.
Well, if you've already got that creaking hunk of wood pasted together, we'd like to see what you've done with the place! Just post a single quality photo below (400px max, no dancing Mordesh, please) and answer this question:
- What was the inspiration for your crib?
After that, we'll comb through the madness, wipe off some Strain slime, and choose one each week to feature. Be sure to check your e-mails! The winners will be interviewed and their cribs will be featured on the main page and a blog, where they can provide as many pics (or even a video! Again, no dancing Mordesh...), and will be mentioned during one of Carbine's first streams each month! In addition, you may find a furball chua latched to your face with all four appendages, smothering you with kisses.
We're trying to curb her of that.
See you on Nexus, cupcakes!
Current crib:
Past cribs:
- Crib of the Week (sorted by month)